Motivation for the Mind
Search Of Your Quest, How To Do Your Best
this fun-filled empowering program, Meher will share the tools you need to make
your life worth living. You will learn how to fill your path and fulfill your
life with a succession of successful successes.
For The Heart
Grows And Shows, Only When It Flows
this heart warming, inspirational program, Meher will create the LovEnergY
that will ignite and invite people into your life. His touching stories on Unconditional
love are designed to create
unity within diversity in humanity.
Others Are Saying
About Meher Amalsad . . .
is an impassioned speaker who knows his quest and is willing to share it with
his audiences so that they too will find self-empowerment and fulfillment.
R. Gregory
Alonzo, Author, Say
Yes To success
your inspiring presentation about unconditional love brought tears to my eyes.
As you reach people, you will truly touch their hearts. Thank you for contributing
to the creation of an enlightened planetary civilization.
Theresa Dale, Ph.D., ND. President
and Founder of, The Wellness Center for
Research and Education Inc.
informative, educational and motivational presentation `In Search of Your Quest,
How To Do Your Best,' undoubtedly left a positive impression on our members.
In addition, the audience participation in your inspirational song, `Success
With Dreams' was truly overwhelming. Thank you for your commitment to success.
Van Buren, Director of Placement,
ITT Corporation
Your presentation `Love Grows and Shows Only if it Flows', You truly enlightened
our lives by sharing some extra-ordinary experiences of unconditional love with
your daughter Anahita. Your message of treating people as HUMAN BEINGS INSTEAD
OF HUMAN DOINGS was striking to the mind, vitalizing to the body and appealing
to the soul.
Fox, Program Chairman, The
Rotary Club
I want to thank you for your dynamic and entertaining presentation, `In Search
of Your Quest, How To Do Your Best,' in which you shared your insights from
a wide base of practical wisdom with us. Not only did you create a positive
vision for us, but also, you left us all supercharged. Keep up the marvelous
service to humankind.
Dr. Mehrdad Zomorrodi,
Manager, Xerox
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