In the LAP (Love-Appreciation-Power) of Ahura Mazda.


"What do you think our global Zarathushti community
will be like in the year 20-50?"



Z-VISION 20-50


© 2001-2003, Meher Amalsad, Author of   BREAD FOR THE HEAD TM



My three year old nephew and I were at Disneyland talking about the Space Mountain ride. Suddenly, I asked him what his concept was about space and he said: "It's a place where my Mom parks her car."

So in the year 2050, what kind of Space will the Z-community have in our global society?

Is it going to be a Space Mountain in which we will have the freedom to exercise Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds?

Or is it going to be an assigned parking space where the community will be stagnant in the parked mode?

I believe that this Z-Space will depend on the size of the Space that we will have in our hearts for tolerence and compassion for others in our community.


That is what I see as a part of our Z-Space in my
Z-Vision 20-50.


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