A mother asked her little son: "Why
is it that I have to do all your dishes?"
To which the little boy responded: "It's because you are so GOOD
at it Mom."
Isn't it interesting that people expect more out of those, who are GOOD
at something.
Sometimes in life, it is this GOOD that ends up becoming our GIFT.
When that happens, we use our GIFT to do GOOD for others.
But sometimes, we do not even see the GOOD that others see in us.
It is because we get so self-absorbed in DOING that we lose touch with
the essence of our BEING.
As a result, we do not seem to have any more room to invite others in
our life.
I believe that in life:
"When we make way for others, we create room
for ourselves."
That is the core philosophy in which I was raised by my family.
The following image vividly highlights the magical impetus behind this
principle of
MAGICAL... isn't it? Let us see how
this MAGIC applies to LIFE.!!!
Now, it is said that: "The biggest room in
the world is the room for improvement."
But, sometimes in life, we feel that we are left with no more room for
The above example clearly demonstrates that in life, when we feel stuffed
to the brim with no more space left to serve others; all we need to do
is make some minor adjustments, and we will create a paradigm shift in
our consciousness.
All we need to do, is just re-align the pieces of our life and we will
magically manifest some room for improvement.
And as we open our minds, we will create an EXTRA SPACE in our hearts,
to do more GOOD for humanity.
But, during this process of re-alignment, we must remain cognizant that:
"In our quest for becoming someone different,
we do not end up becoming someone else."
Or else, this SPACE will end up creating a HOLE, in our life.
I will leave you with this profound thought on LIFE, which comes from
the wisdom of my tweenaged daughter Anahita:
is a puzzle, which when put together becomes a miracle."
It is the epitome of this miracle that
becomes our gift, which allows us to lift, shift and uplift the lives
of others, as well as ourselves.