creation PRECIOUSNESS comes to those who
use their CONSCIOUSNESS to be on the path
In the LAP
of Ahura Mazda.
Is it Silent or Violent?
© 2001-2003, Meher Amalsad, Author of Bread
For the Head
It says in my book Bread For The Head that
"Silence has more
power than violence."
Does that mean that we should close our eyes to
lies, in order to retain our ties (with .....)
Does that mean that we should not expose, even if we choose not to impose
Let us take a look at this historical event.
During the Calcutta riots when Gandhi was fasting for peace, a Hindu man
- who was angry and
longing for revenge, came to him
to talk about his young boy who had been killed by a group of Muslim mobs.
And Gandhi is said to have replied: If you
really wish to overcome your pain, find a Muslim boy, just as young as
your son, whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs. Raise that boy
like you would your own son, but bring him up with the Muslim faith to
which he was born. Only then you will be able to heal your pain, your
anger, and your longing for retribution.
Gandhi also said: Where
there is love there is life.
I believe this philosophy of Gandhi was instrumental
in transforming the human consciousness because he lived a life of love.
The following story speaks for itself.
During the "Black History" celebration month, a Mexican boy
was chosen to create a special wall painting for his classroom.
That Mexican
boy dedicated two months of his valuable time towards the development
of this artistic endeavor.
When this painting was finally displayed to his class mates, a series
of comments were posed.
One student said: "This painting has a picture
of Caesar Chavez. This is Black Leadership Month.
We would have preferred
to see a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on this painting."
To which another student responded: "Did you know that both Caesar
Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were inspired by the leadership
philosophy of Gandhi - who was neither Black nor Mexican."
It is said that love transforms life because it transcends the limitations
of all perceptions.
But, what do we when this "kind
love" sometimes faces a situation as
described by this 14-year old Zarathushti girl from Surat in India?
Karishma Baria
Pray what is this violence in the name of God?
In whose name against our own countrymen we fought.
Which religion preaches bloodshed?
Which God says he has to be with mans life fed?
God made one heaven & one earth under which we live & lie
But we made divisions in the sky.
People say that men of other religions we should shun
But cut the nerves & see even the colour of the blood is one.
Thousands of deaths for the sake of a piece of land,
And each party saying the other has, in it, a hand.
So many killed to build a religious place,
Which would have none but dead bodies as a base.
And even if the monument is built with walls of gold,
They wont please ones mind cause to build them humanity
was sold.
Oh my countrymen, dont you realize the futility,
Of this endless bloodshed & brutality?
God alone knows which devil lit the fire,
For so many innocents which became a pyre.
The poor people failed to realize the heinous plot,
Which was specially made so that people of the two religions fought
It was made to tear the country into pieces,
Dont you understand communalism is an incurable disease.
Oh let us get together, hand in hand,
Remember: Divided we fall, united we stand
So, how can we use the fire
of our desire to increase the light and reduce the
A wise person once said:
are two ways for spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects
And that comes when we choose to handle life with proactive
consciousness instead of reactive viciousness.
Once we understand this philosophy, neither silence nor violence will matter
because we will enter the dimension of consciousness that will be focused
on alliance and reliance instead of compliance or defiance.
is truly the spirit of Z-Consciousness
In the spirit of Z-Consciousness with
Love & Light
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