The Prayer of the Millenniums |
© 2001-2003, Meher Amalsad, Author of BREAD FOR THE HEAD TM
Dear Zarathushti brothers and sisters: That started my quest towards understanding
the spiritual essence of the Ashem Vohu prayer. Now, I believe that the foundation of all humanity is LOVE. Without love humans
will not survive as a result no religion will thrive. With that, I ask you to reflect as I now share the
Sprirtual essence of Ashem Vohu with you.
The second "ASTI" in Ashem Vohu declares that there is "USHTA" in nature. "Ushta Ahmaai" means divine bliss is to him who is conscious of ASHA, VOHUMAN and USHTA in nature.
This necklace is like the Gireban of your Sudreh which touches your heart (where LOVE resides). That is why the Gireban of your Sudreh is located on the HEART (LOVE) Chakhra of the human body. It is meant that way because Ashem Vohu is the prayer of good heart. It throbs your heart through Ushta.
Ahura Mazda's LAW and ORDER is the TRUTH, which expressses itself as BEAUTY in nature, and as RIGHTEOUSNESS, PURITY, and FREEDOM in humans. Vohuman is the divine consciousness of Ahura Mazda and a goal to be achieved by the humans. "Vohu" has the Avesta root of "Vah", which corresponds to the sanskrit "Vas" (Page 553, "The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra" by Dr. I. J. S. Taraporewalla) "Vas" has five shine, to dwell, to dress, to love and to aim. To SHINE in the divine light, to DWELL in the house of divine consciousness, to DRESS in the garment of divine consciousness, to LOVE with the enlightened mind of the divine consciousness, and to AIM towards the manifestation of being a divine spirit. USHTA is the propelling energy that inspires the VOHUMAN to stay on the path of ASHA. USHTA means DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE BLISS and DEVOTION (There is no concept of bliss or devotion without the element of LOVE) That is mainly from the Gatha USHTAVOOD. Now, let us take a close look. Out of FIVE Gathas one is devoted to USHTA (DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE BLISS and DEVOTION) That Gatha is called the USHTAVOOD or USHTA-VAD Gathta. The "VAD" means the "WORD". This Ushta-Vad Gatha is HIS (Ahura Mazda's) WORD of USHTA (DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE BLISS and DEVOTION)
is ASHA, USHTA, and VOHUMAN in Mazda's creation |
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