Good Thoughts
Good Words         Good Deeds
VOHUMAN means WISDOM and MAZDA means the DIVINE.

There is ASHA, USHTA & VOHUMAN in Mazda's creation
USHTA is to those who use their VOHUMAN to be on the path of ASHA
2004 is a "6" year in Numerological terms
"6" is the number of "LOVE".
LOVE more in 2004.

© 2004, Meher Amalsad, Author of Bread For the Head™

A 7-Part Series
Part 6 of 7


Each morning the Sunflower faces the light of the sun and continues to do so throughout the day as the direction of the sun changes.

Its main stalk has 7-branches or twigs, symbolizing 7-days of the week. Each flower has 52-petals, symbolizing 52-weeks of the year. And; in the center of each flower, there are 365-seeds representing 365-days of our calendar year.

So, is that a coincidence?

As you think about it, let me now share some rare photos about the actual construction of the Kushti from root to fruit.

Homai & late Maneck Vyarawalla took these photos in India. They were sent to me by the daughter of a boywalla of Adaran of the Wadiaji Atash-Behram in India.

When I first received these pictures along with their respective descriptions, I noticed that it depicted a 16-Step process.

I wonder if it had any correlation with the 16-Chakhras that were discussed earlier.


This photo depicts sheep’s wool from which kushti is made.
As sheep is innocent, docile and modest, the wearer of kushti should be obedient, innocent and modest.

The wool is combed.

Paraphernalia for spinning and weaving the wool –spindle (chatri), ball of woolen thread, etc.

Wool is spun and the thread is taken out on spindle (chatri).

Doubling is performed. Threads from two spindles are combined together in one ball of wool.

Yarn is twisted and strengthened (Val devu)

The thread is passed around the loom (jantar) 72 times, divided into 6 strands, each of 12 threads.
It is twisted and so kushti is begun with 144 threads.
The number 144 represents immortality as it adds up to the mystical number 9 (1+4+4).
72 strands represent 72 chapters of Yasna.

  Threads are assembled together with Khangu-visu.

Weaving is done with kateli and shuttle.

When the weaving is finished, kushti is removed from the loom and handed to the priest (mobed) to be cut.
Priest prays a special prayer (nirang) and cuts the kushti.

Kushti is inverted. It is hollow and it represents the two worlds –physical and spiritual.

Rest of the weaving is done by hand. 2 lars and 6 laris ending in tassles are woven.
The 6 sections of 12 strands each represent 6 Amesha Spentas.
The 12 strands represent 12 months of the year and 12 words of Ashem Vohu prayer.
The 6 tassles (3 at each end) represent 6 gahambars linked to 6 creations of God.

Kushti is washed. When dry, it is fumigated with sulphur smoke.

Setting the kushti. It is properly flattened and plated.

Folding the kushti.

Ready for use.



Kushti is made of white lamb's wool, taken from a part closest to the heart. Lamb symbolizes innocence, which reminds us to be gentle, whereas wool depicts an innate ability to store energy. It is because lambs by natural instinct eat only such greeneries that produce magnetism in them. The lamb may die but this magnetism remains preserved in its wool. The wool retains the vibrations of the manthras, which guide us on the path of ASHA. One does not have to be a clairaudient to be able to appreciate and benefit from the energy of these vibrations. Also, lamb is said to be under the influence of Jupiter and the Sun.

The Kushti is woven by Zarathushti men and women from the priestly family, while continuously reciting the three most important prayers in the Avesta, namely Ashem Vohu, Yatha Ahu Vairyo and Yenghe Hatam.

The weaving begins with 144 threads, twisted and spun together to make 72 strands. This interlacing of threads reminds us of the spiritual interrelationship we have with each other and with every creation. It is passed around the loom 72 times, divided into 6 strands, each of 12 threads. After consecration by a priest the Kushti is finished by hand. It is turned inside out and three tassels of 24 threads each are formed at each end.

24 threads symbolize the 24 Kardas of the Visperads. 24 also depict the 24 time zones in the world.

The human body is divided into 9 Vibrationary wavebands, namely seven rainbow colors, ultra-violet and infrared.

144 is the square root of 12, which represents the 12 words of Ashem Vohu.

144 = 1+4+4 = 9. , 72 = 7+2 = 9.

The 3 tassels further divided into 3 each (3 x 3 =9). Since Kushti has two ends, 9 + 9 = 18…..1 + 8 = 9

The 6 Gahambars represent the creation and evolution of the universe.

The Gahambars are not only linked with the seasons but they also signify the divine creation and evolution, namely: Birth, Growth, Shaping, Maturity, Reproduction or bearing fruit, and Spiritual transition.

The Yenghe Hatam prayer has 15 words 1+5 = 6

33 Yazatas … 3+3 = 6

Again, 3 tassels on both sides. 3 + 3 = 6.

(12X6=72) 6 Tassels is further split into three, representing the 3 Goodies.
That's why we pray 3 Ashem Vohu at the end of many Avesta prayers.

The Kushti knot is a reef knot. Because of its strength and reliability, the reef knot is also used universally in the practice of first aid.

The 4 knots remind us of 4 directions and 4 affirmations namely Ahura Mazda, Asho Zarathushtra, Our Mazdayasni Zarthushti Din, and practicing the principles of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds in each and every moment of our lives.

Two knots together make one reef knot

The first knot and the second knot in the front are tied at the word, "Shyaothananam" (while reciting the YATHA AHU VAIRYO Prayer)

The thought to be whirled in the mind is "I remember Ahura Mazda whose instrument I wish to become of my work, Shyaothna."

While reciting the ASHM VOHU prayer, the two back knots are tied at USHTA ASTI and USHTA AHMAI, which means I am experiencing DIVINE BLISS and DIVINE LOVE in the process of attuning on the path of ASHA.

Kushti knot is tied on the navel, where the 12th Chakhra is located. This Gut Chakhra is connected with the Jupiter under whose influence is the Zarathushti faith.

The Throat (9th) Chakhra and the Heart (10th) Chakhra (through Sudreh) along with the Gut (12th) Chakhra (through Kushti) creates a triad.

This divides the upper half of the body with the lower half, thereby preventing any counterproductive energy from the lower half to enter the upper half of the body.

Personally, I do not find this knot as a binding knot. Rather, I see it as a bonding knot that bonds us with the divine spirit.

I do not see this knot as something there to knot us down by trying to put a lid on our creativity.

Instead, I see this knot that sometimes picks up the lid to see if everything is cooking OK, and if anything needs to be added to enhance the flavor of cooking.

The Kushti is tied three times to represent the 3 Goodies of Life; and it is tied in the middle of the body on the waist signifying that we should follow the moderate path in life.

They represent 3 triads in 3 categories, namely the physical, the ultra physical, and the immortal.

The body, mind, and spirit, each further subdivided into three parts.

There are three worlds in Ahura's creation that are outside us. They are HASTI - the divine world, NISTI - the non-physical or ultra-physical world, and GETI - the physical world.

A part of this mechanism consists of 16 centers of spiritual energy called Chakhras. The spiritual energies of different intensities and textures are zooming in the centers. These energies can be invoked, awakened, and made to come out and spread all over in the living cells of the physical body. This process activates our mind to focus on good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.

Chakhras can be viewed as centers of spiritual energy.

Ashem Vohu begins with Asha and ends with Asha. Thus the last two knots may signify our resolve to begin and end our life with Asha. To focus on Asha in everything we begin and end.

USHTA is to those who use their VOHUMAN to be on the path of ASHA.

The whole Kushti prayer is a dialog of Ushta with the divine Ahura. It is a storehouse of devotion.

GOD Bless my grandmother for introducing me to the power of Sudreh and Kushti because I have realized that the Constitution of the Sudreh and Kushti has a link with harmonizing the human Aura as well as balancing the human Chakhras.

Sources and Resources to gratefully acknowledge for the entire 7-Part series:
  • Ahura Mazda and Asho Zarathushtra
  • My Grandparents, Parents and Family
  • Ervad K. N. Dastoor from India for his reflections and interactions through personal discussions and audio cassette programs
  • Navjote and Sudreh Kushti -- the golden gifts -Siloo Mehta, Cypress, California, USA.
  • An 'Alat' of the Zarathushti Religion- Sudreh & Kushti -Pervin Mistry, FEZANA Journal, Winter 1997, USA.
  • Hands of Light -Barbara Brennan, Ph.D.
  • Anatomy of the Spirit - Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying -Sogyal Rincpoh
  • Rare photos about the construction of the Kushti from root to fruit -Homai & Late Maneck Vyarawalla, India.
  • Amesha Spentas & Chakras– Shahriar Shahriari, Los Angeles, California, USA,

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