Solids.. Section

The SECTION command enables you to create 2D region of the model that is cut.
You can create a cross section through a solid as a region or as a block.

Change the UCS to World UCS

Create a BOX of dimension 4 x 4 x 6 in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 1
Invoke BOX (Draw menu > Solids > Box).
Command: box
Specify corner of box or [CEnter]<0,0,0>: Pick a point
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: L (Length)
Specify length: 4
Specify width: 4
Specify height:


Figure 1

Figure 2

Create four light blue construction lines as shown in the Figure 2 which will help us in creating cylinder

Create a CYLINDER of R 1.5 and creating height using the point A and B in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 3.
Invoke a CYLINDER (Draw menu > Solids > Cylinder)
Command: cylinder
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Snap to midpoint at point A
Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 1. 5

Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]: Snap to midpoint at point B
Specify second point: Snap to midpoint at point A

Change the direction of the UCS
as shown in Figure 4
Create a CYLINDER of R 1.5 and creating height using the point C and D in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 4
Invoke a CYLINDER (Draw menu > Solids > Cylinder)
Command: cylinder
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Snap to midpoint at point C
Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 1. 5

Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]: Snap to midpoint at point D
Specify second point: Snap to midpoint at point C


Figure 3

Figure 4

SUBTRACT the cylinders from the box and alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 5
Invoke SUBTRACT (Modify > Solids Editing > Subtract)
Command: _subtract
Select solids and regions to subtract from ..
Select objects: Pick the box
Select objects: Enter
Select solids and regions to subtract ..
Select objects: Pick one cylinder
Select objects: Pick the second cylinder
Select objects: Enter

Figure 5

Figure 6

Create a SECTION at the middle of the object as shown in Figure 6
Invoke SECTION (Draw menu > Solids > Section).
Command: _section
Select objects: Select the object
Select objects: Enter
Specify first point on Section plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points> Snap to endpoint at point E
Specify second point on plane:Snap to endpoint at point F
Specify third point on plane:Snap to midpoint at point G
This will create a section in the middle.

MOVE the section as shown in Figure 7
Command: _move
Select objects: Select the object
Select objects: Enter
Specify base point or displacement: Pick any point
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>:Pick any point to the right

Figure 7

Figure 8

EXTRUDE the new solid model 0.5 as shown in Figure 8
Invoke an EXTRUDE (Draw menu > Solids > Extrude)
Command: extrude
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Select objects: Select the object
Select objects:Enter
Specify height of extrusion or [Path]: . 5
Specify angle of taper for extrusion <0>:Enter


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