Solids.. Primitive 3D
Box, Sphere,Cylinder,Cone, Wedge & Torus

Create 3D models using 3D primitive solid objects such as boxes, spheres, cylinder, cone, wedge and torus from Solid toolbar.

Box Draws a 3D box as a solid model
Sphere Draws a 3D sphere as a solid ball
Cylinder Draws a 3D cylinder as a solid tube
Cone Draws a 3D cone
Wedge Draws a 3D wedge
Torus   Draws a 3D donut

Change the UCS to World UCS

Create a BOX of dimension 4 x 3 x 2 in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 1
Invoke BOX (Draw menu > Solids > Box).
Command: box
Specify corner of box or [CEnter]<0,0,0>: Pick a point
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: L (Length)
Specify length: 4
Specify width: 3
Specify height:

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 2


Figure 1

Figure 2


Create a BOX of dimension 4 x 4 x 4 in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 3
Invoke BOX (Draw menu > Solids > Box)
Command: box
Specify corner of box or [CEnter]<0,0,0>: Pick a point
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: C (Cube)
Specify length: 4

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 4


Figure 3

Figure 4

Create a SPHERE of Ø1.5 in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 5.
Invoke SPHERE (Draw menu > Solids > Sphere)
Command: sphere
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Specify center of sphere <0,0,0>: > Pick a point
Specify radius of sphere or [Diameter]:D

Specify diameter:1.5

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 6.


Figure 5

Figure 6

Create a CYLINDER of R 1and height 2.5 units in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 7.
Invoke a CYLINDER (Draw menu > Solids > Cylinder)
Command: cylinder
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=16
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Pick a point
Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 1 (Radius)
Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]:2.5

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 8.


Figure 7

Figure 8

Create a CONE of R 1and height 2.5 units in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 9.
Invoke a CONE (Draw menu > Solids > Cone)
Command: cone
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Specify center point for base of cone or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Pick a point

Specify radius for base of cone or [Diameter]: 1
Specify height of cone or [Apex]:2.5

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 10.


Figure 9

Figure 10

Create a WEDGE of length 3 units, wide 3 units and height 4 units in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 11.

Invoke a WEDGE (Draw menu > Solids > Wedge)
Command: wedge
Specify first corner of wedge or [CEnter] <0,0,0>:Pick a point
Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: L

Specify length: 3
Specify width: 3
Specify height: 4

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 12.


Figure 11

Figure 12

Create a TORUS of R 2 and tube R 0.5 in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 13.
Invoke a TORUS (Draw menu > Solids > Torus)
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Specify center of torus <0,0,0>: Pick a point

Specify radius of torus or [Diameter]:2
Specify radius of tube or [Diameter]: 0.5

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 14.


Figure 13

Figure 14


Creating a hole in the cylinder

Start drawing in the SW Isometric View
Create a CYLINDER of R2 and height 4 units as shown in Figure 15

Invoke a CYLINDER (Draw menu > Solids > Cylinder)
Command: _cylinder

Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Pick a point
Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 2
Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]: 4

Figure 15

Figure 16

Create a SMALLER CYLINDER of R1 within the big one using the function CENTER OF OTHER END instead of inputing the height as shown in Figure 16.
Command: _cylinder
Current wire frame density:ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Select OSNAP to CENTER and pick the center of the cylinder at the top

Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 1(Radius)
Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]: C (Center of other end)
Specify center of other end of cylinder:<Ortho on> Select OSNAP to CENTER and pick the center of the cylinder at the bottom

SUBRACT the cylinders and a hole will be created as shown in Figure 17
Invoke a SUBTRACT (Modify > Solids Editing > Subtract)
Command: _subtract
Select solids and regions to subtract from .
Select objects: Pick the big cylinder

Select objects: Enter
Select solids and regions to subtract
Select objects: Pick the smaller cylinder
Select objects: Enter

Figure 17

Create CONE on top of CYLINDER

Create a CYLINDER of R 3 and height of 8 units in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 18
Invoke a CYLINDER (Draw menu > Solids > Cylinder)
Command: _cylinder
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cylinder or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Pick a point

Specify radius for base of cylinder or [Diameter]: 3
Specify height of cylinder or [Center of other end]: 8

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 19

Figure 18

Figure 19

Create a CONE from the center of the cylinder at the top in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 20
Invoke a CONE (Draw menu > Solids > Cone)
Command: _cone
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cone or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: Select SNAP TO CENTER and pick the center of the cylinder at top

Specify radius for base of cone or [Diameter]: Select SNAP TO QUADRANT and pick the quadrant of the cylinder
Specify height of cone or [Apex]: 5

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 21

Figure 20

Figure 21

Create a CONE in the BOX

Draw a BOX (10 x 5 x 3) units in 2D Wireframe as shown in Figure 22
Invoke BOX (Draw menu > Solids > Box)
Command: _box
Specify corner of box or [CEnter] <0,0,0>: Pick a point

Specify corner or [Cube/Length]: L
Specify length: 10
Specify width: 5
Specify height:3


Figure 22

Figure 23

Draw a DIAGONAL CONSTRUCTION LINE on the face as shown in Figure 23
Command: _line
Specify first point: Pick the first point on the surface of the box

Specify next point or [Undo]: Pick the second diagonal point on the surface of the box

Draw a CONE using the midpoint of the contruction line as shown in Figure 24
Invoke a CONE (Draw menu > Solids > Cone)
Command: _cone
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=30
Specify center point for base of cone or [Elliptical] <0,0,0>: OSNAP TO MIDPOINT and pick the midpoint of the construction line

Specify radius for base of cone or [Diameter]: 1 (Radius)
Specify height of cone or [Apex]: A (Apex)
Specify apex point: @5,0,0 (the length of cone in the X Direction is 5 units, and in the Y and Z Direction it is 0 unit)

Figure 24

Alter the shade mode to GOURAUD SHADED from the Shade Toolbar as shown in Figure 25

Figure 25

Figure 26

SUBTRACT the box from the cone a hole will be created to a depth of 5 units only as shown in Figure 26
Invoke a SUBTRACT (Modify > Solids Editing > Subtract)
Command: _subtract
Select solids and regions to subtract from ..
Select objects: Pick the box
Select objects: Enter
Select solids and regions to subtract ..
Select objects: Pick the cone

Select objects: Enter


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